Let’s imagine

You might have noticed these little practices at the end of my posts. When I share this understanding, I’m pointing to an experience that lives prior to words and language. Language is a tool we invented, and frankly, it’s a primitive tool when it comes to describing what we’re looking at.

I think the easiest way to know who we truly are is to simply experience it. Intellectual words can grab our attention and point us there, but to see what’s there you need to experience it for yourself

These little practices are a way for me to hold your hand as you look and see for yourself. 

Try them out and let me know what you think!

I got this one from my friend and fellow coach, Lexie Bebbington. You can connect with her here, and listen to her beautiful voice here. She’s brilliant.

**Let’s imagine**

Let’s imagine.

Let’s imagine you’re in a beautiful, clear, turquoise sea. Maybe Hawaii or Bali. You’re in the warm waves, and you can see the bottom. You see colorful fish, a beautiful coral reef, and seaweed swaying..

Then you notice a shadow. It’s off in the distance. It gets closer. 

It gets closer and closer until you realize it’s a massive Great White shark coming straight towards you. How do you feel? 

Scared? Terrified? Frozen in fear? 

What happens if you realize you’re the ocean? 

Pause and take in that feeling.

You are the ocean, you are the water and background experiencing all this amazing life, including Great White sharks. How glorious it must be to be the ocean.
You have a mind. You are not your mind.

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